JUST A NAME. RIGHT?So why is it when the news wants to tell us about a very
tragic event, they call the country Burma? And when we are being informed about political repression and military dictatorship, its Myanmar?
Como se dice, "flip-flop"?Just where, exactly does John McCain stand on immigration? He was co-author of a failed bill last summer that demanded major reforms in our "revolving door" policy and yet he needs a strong crossover vote from the latino community this November. Yesterday, in an obvious ploy to woo votes from our nation's largest minority group, he launched a
Spanish language version of his website on the most American of Mexican holidays.
Lex Luthor doesn't exist:Most street criminals commit crimes of opportunity. To be successful, they have to be lucky in chosing their victims.
This lame-brain wasn't.
Louisiana has an infamous prison named
Angola. Located 115 miles northwest of New Orleans, it is their maximum security facility and covers roughly 28 square miles. They don't have a lot of escapes from there. Even if a prisoner got past the the primary fencing they would still have over 5 miles to go before they were "off-property" and would be facing rattlesnakes, crocodiles, wild pigs
and bears. Sounds like a fun place to be incarcerated.
Why do I have the feeling that
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer isn't going to be using
this story in any future ad campaigns?
Has peak oil production finally arrived? Rumors are that Indonesia will be
quiting OPEC next year because their production has declined and they now import more crude than they produce. Indonesia is the only
OPEC member from southeast Asia.
I'll be back later with more. Thank you so very much for coming by. Have a fantastic day. Okay?

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"