A live camera feed from the top of Mt. Haleakala. While the image above is static, if you "click" it you'll go to the source page for the latest view.
It starts getting light up there about 1530 UTC and dark about 0530 UTC. Adjust for your time zone to get the best view.
Another neat webcam is from the Mana Kai condos. Dial-up users will be able to access a static image but hi-speed connections will be able to connect to an interactive streaming video. Just follow their instructions and have fun.
Just an uneventful end to basically an uneventful week.
I really enjoyed my new ride but some things have to be adjusted. Like the meter. A trip from The Grand to OGG should be at least $53.30 but my new meter only logged $51.80. A $1.50 slow. Seems to lose about 10 cents per mile. The boss has been notified.
Last night "The Jerk" had an extended run to the West Side and finally logged off at his residence, in Wailuku, about 1:30am. The next I heard from him was when he logged on at 4:00am in Kihei. I had warned him before that the first dayshift cab is my relief and gets the phone. I called my regular reliefs, Flor and Murph, and told them what to expect when they checked in. They are as frustrated with this guy as I am. Neither one was going to take the phone from him and would enforce all of the dispatch rules as he screwed up. He'll have the phone until the owner takes over.
Besides getting a new ONE-NINE we also added another van and retired a couple of vehicles.
The new van, the owner's, becomes cab #1. The old #1 becomes cab #5. The old #5 becomes cab #11. The old #11 becomes cab #15 and the old #15, along with the old #19, are gone from the fleet. That means that I have to change my mental image of each cab #. When I disoatch I must make sure that I assign the proper size vehicle for certain runs. Don't send a 5-passenger van to pickup 7 people, etc. Just a small detail but a necessary one.
My weekend is here! Long live the "weekend".
Oh, congratulations to Italy for winning the FIFA World Cup. Only four more years til the next one.

"Let's all be careful out there!"