This beautiful couple had been going full tilt when I picked them up at the Four Seasons a bit after 10p. Took them out to the Maui Prince. They had been up since the wee hours of Thursday morning, California time. Had flown to Mau'i, on Thursday, for a wedding of some friends that afternoon. They have to leave this weekend. Even I am tired just thinking about it. I bet they slept good last night.
Didn't get off until 5:45a, my usual 5:15a "special" had overslept, but during that 10 hours and 45 minutes I logged 20 runs for just under $300. Not shabby at all.
By 8p, all the day cabs were history and one night cab left at 8:30pm. She had been sitting since 6p with no runs. That left just three of us for the night and then things began to move. #09 and #27 got OGG runs within minutes of each other, leaving me as the only cab available for everything on the southside of the island. I was constantly on the move from one fare to another. After clearing OGG, #09 picked up a fare from there to Ka'anapali. That took him out of the picture for 2 more hours. #27, when he got back, and I never quit moving. Between 7p and 2a I was able to cover 14 trips and 61% of my meter for the shift. The 2a to 5:45a period added 6 more trips and the other 39% of the income.
Asked around and all of the hotels reach 100% occupancy by Wednesday, the 20th. Some will be at 100% by Monday, the 18th. If you can see Dollar signs ($)-($) where my eyes should be, you are right. The average tip last night was right around 40% and that will improve next week. During the two week holiday period I usually get 50%-75%.
When #09 returned to town he got a famous black TV/movie "star" as a fare. I don't know where they went to or who this "star" hooked up with but #09 didn't get off-duty until 4:45a. #09 spent all of the hours after bar close parked outside some residence in central Kihei. I don't think the "star" was watching the "boob-tube", but I am pretty positive that the word "boob" played a prominent part of his nocturnal activities.I had two scheduled runs to OGG at the close of my night. One at 4a and the other at 4:30a. No way I could handle both, so I called out a day driver (#27-Flor) to cover the second one. The one I took was a nice young couple from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He is a Constable with the Calgary Police Service. Calgary is a city of 1-million people but they only have 1,600 sworn officers in the entire department. That means that on a really good night they might have 400 cops on-duty. I am willing to bet they usually have between 250-300 on the street at any given moment. Thats stretching things really thin. Reminds me of my prior life when we had 30 beats and two sergeants to cover an area of 720 square miles (1,865 km²) and a population of approximately 650,000 (at that time).
If everything follows form, last night will be called a "slow night" next week.
I can hardly wait.

"Let's all be careful out there!"