An improvement over the prior two shifts but nothing out of the ordinary. Never left town. Things really didn't start moving until after 9:00 PM. We had 3 cabs at the airport for a "Meet & Greet" (13 passengers) and 3 cabs to cover the south side. Which was just perfect. The call/cab mixture was right on the mark. I am going to stop using the moniker "Crazy" for Brian and will now call him "Lucky" instead. Once again he was in the right place & time when a fare to Lahaina was dispatched. Shortly after he left TMR snagged a fare to Wailuku, which just left #22 and #14 (me) to cover the load. Which wasn't hard to do.
Everybody was back for bar-close and it was a normal Thursday night. A brawl broke out on Keala Street, which separates the "Triangle" from FoodLand. We call Thursday night "Fight Night". That is the most common night for trouble. There were 5-7 different fights going on with 30 to 50 people cheering it all on. 8 patrol cars responded from the Kihei District Police Station, which is next door to FoodLand, and had finally cleared the mess by 2:30 AM. MPD doesn't do a lot of preventive patrol in Kihei. Some of the guys do but the majority are usually just sitting in the station waiting for a call.
Tips ranged from 100%, on a small pu-pu, to $13 on a $12.80 and "keep the change". Gee, thanks. And that was on a resort/resort run. You know, people with money.
13 fares / 93 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
Well, its TGIF. Everyone enjoy your weekend. I'll be here if you want to drop by.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"