Have you noticed that the lower paying the job, the more work expected of the employee?

With our rapid population growth, we have seen the introduction of many "big box" outlets on the island.
Besides Wal-Mart and Home Depot, we also have a Costco, a K-Mart and many other mega-corp outlets.

Their appearance forced local competitors out of business. These national chains could retail an item at less than what the local operations paid wholesale. The upside is that local consumer prices dropped. The downside is that many family businesses ceased to exist, after generations of operation.

The knee-jerk reaction is to enact a building moretorium. Which eventually causes raises in tax rates, since cost-of-services continue to rise on a fixed tax base. Then property owners complain.
Growth is inevitable. I wish I could drop back by here in 100 years to see if Mau'i looks anything like O'ahu (Honolulu) does today.
"Let's all be careful out there!"