I can barely keep my eyes open
4:40 PM -
Saturday was a bitch of a day for me. For the past 2 weeks, since the big storm, I have slept all the way through until my alarm went off at 4:30pm. Normally, I am awake earlier. On Saturday, I couldn't fall asleep. The eyes finally shut at 2p and were open again at 5p (I pressed "snooze" a couple of times). On the road by 7p and we started moving.
Just like Friday night, we were steady and the volume of calls increased as the shift wore on. The newlyweds were from Wailea to a B&B in Lahaina. A nice $91 trip with a $19 tip. Our topic of discussion was all the CCTV cameras in London and the loss of personal privacy. Secondary was Dubya and how he will make history as the least popular President in our history.
When I made it back to the south side, the number of cabs had dwindled and the number of fares hadn't. We rolled "hot'n'heavy" through bar-close and the night crew hung in until well past 2:30 AM, when we finally cleared the books. Thats when I took over the phone and started the dog-watch. Had maybe 15 minutes of rest when the calls started coming in again. One "10-13" (noload/noshow) and a short pu-pu in Wailea capped off the shift. Passed on the phone to my relief at 4:15a and was home shortly after 4:40a. Then the fun of trying to make this post began.
Blogger wouldn't accept uploads and it took me until past 7a before I could finally patch this thing together. By then the body had gone into complete shutdown mode from lack of sleep. 5 minutes after I hit "PUBLISH" I was sawing logs on my pillow. Over 9 solid hours of shut-eye. I needed it.
17 fares / 176 miles / 1st quarter $300 bracket
I'll be back early Monday with my regular "bill'o'fare". Have a fantastic day. To those west of me:


Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"