I have been trying to log into blogger to create today's post for almost 40 minutes. The more they "fix" things, the worse it works.
As usual, A slow start to the night. There were 7 other cabs on the road when I logged in. That was 4 more than we could even conceivably have a need for. My first trip was a "pu-pu" from Joe's Bar and Grill back to The Grand. Less than 1 mile and less than $6.00. The cab behind me got a Grand to Sansei ($15.50). Worked my way to the top of the queue again and got a Shops to The Grand for a whopping $4.40."Here's $5, keep the change."Yeah, fuck you very much, too. The cab queued behind went to Roy's.
Finally get sent to Kihei, to pick up a daddy and "tween" daughter from Sansei, back to The Grand.
Had one more "town" run after that and then business literally died. I had a grand total of $37.10 on the meter for 4 hours worth of effort. It was time to re-group.
I went home and took a nap. Came back out at 1:00am. Now there were just three of us left. The day-shift poachers and night-time casual "wanna-be" cabbies had finally gave up.
Pulled into the "Triangle" and got flagged to north Kihei. Returned and was immediately flagged again to even further north Kihei.
Returned to the "Triangle" and had just taken the phone from Kimo (#22) when two blokes hopped in and wanted to go to the ship (Pride Of Hawaii) in Kahului. Half way there, the guy in the left rear pukes. 99.9% of the ejecta exited via his window. Very little to clean up. Always be thankful for small favors.
Closed out the shift with a 4:45am from The Grand to OGG, which put me out the door with a halfway decent meter.
I want to thank Blogger for making today's edition so late to the streets. Good work, guys.As always, I thank all of you for dropping by and don't forget to please surprise my friend Judy with a whole passle of birthday greetings tomorrow.
How old is she? I'll just say that she is older than her children and younger than her parents.
Iconic Royal Hawai'ian Head Dress Hood

"Let's all be careful out there!"