Stayed active until about 10:00pm. Even though it was Kimo's (#22) night to dispatch, Tina (#5) had possession of the phone when the owner transferred the calls. She did a fantastic job. She and Kimo never were able to connect and she had the "duty" until she went home, about 11:00pm. Then it came to me. Okay.
Things that really frustrate me about dispatching is the idiots who call. The closer we get to bar close, the stupidier callers become.
After midnight, we had three cabs on the road. We were staying active. A lady calls from the far north end of town. It was a good run. I gave her a time element for pickup. Arrived at her house at the exact time I had predicted. And then I waited, and waited and waited. After 5 minutes, I located her call back number on the cell's call history.
"Hi, is this the person who needed a cab at XXX Street?"
"Oh, great. I'll be out in one second."
And then I waited, and waited and waited. When another 5 minutes had passed, I left for another call.
10 minutes later she calls back.
"I'm sorry. I got delayed. Would you please send the cab back for me? I'm ready to go now."
"Excuse me?"
"I said no."
"But I really need to get to YYY Street."
"I am sure you do but I have sent a cab there once. You didn't come out. You were given a courtesy call and you still didn't come out. The cab left to attend to others needing our services. We are too busy to waste our time on retries. Sorry."
"I'll make it worth you while."
"I doubt that."
"You're a fucking prick!"
"Not in a long time, ma'am. Not in a very long time."
A bit after 1:00am a guy calls from LAB, needing a vehicle that can haul two bicycles from there to the Southpointe Apartments. I told him to be on the curb next to Life's A Beach and the cab would be there in less than 5 minutes. Gave Kimo the call. He is there in 2 minutes and waits and waits and waits. Parking/Standing/Stopping is illegal at LAB, road is too narrow, but the cop's don't push the issue very often. It is also a very dangerous location. Cars come around the corner extremely fast and we are blocking their travel lane. We haven't been rear-ended yet but all of us have had some close calls. Kimo finally pulls off the curb and waits in the FoodLand parking lot directly across from LAB. No one ever comes out. When 5 minutes had passed I gave him another call. 40 minutes later the guy calls back and wants to be picked up at the Tiki Lounge. By this time both Kimo and Alex were on what should be their final trips of the night. They both drive the large Chevrolet Astrovans which are the only vehicles in our fleet capable of handling bicycles. It is against company policy for the sedan (#19) to carry one, let alone two, bikes.
"Sorry, sir. I have already dispatched a cab to you once and you never came out."
"Yeah, I know. We decided to have a few more drinks."
"I understand. However, when we are busy, we do not dispatch a cab for a second time for the same run."
"So you're not sending me a cab?"
"That is correct."
"How do I get my bikes home?"
"I would suggest pedaling as a good start."
"You're a real asshole!"
"No, sir. I am a PERFECT asshole."
Main Entrance

"Let's all be careful out there!"