I have been searching for restaurants that Judy can safely dine at. It is not easy. You really have to probe when searching for hidden pitfalls. Places that do not serve seafood but have shrimp in their "house dressing". Italian restaurants start their day by boiling up the shellfish for that night's entre's and then use the same water to boil the pasta. Oops, dead Judy.
Aroma d' Italia is one of the better Italian cuisine restaurants. Food and service are excellent. I had spoken with one of the owners earlier in the week and she told me that that was easily handled. Just advise my server that Judy's pasta had to be boiled in a fresh pan of water and the chef would happily oblige. Judy was so happy to add another venue to her limited dining spots.
She had the Fettucini Alfredo and I had spaghetti and meatball. Yes, meatball, singular. The thing was 1/4 lb (113.40 grams)! We shared the best antipasto grande I have ever tasted. As usual, there were "doggie bags" to take home.
Before dinner, Judy did some shopping at a boutique two doors from where we dined. A couple of cute, one kinda sexy, tops and a couple of pairs of pants. After all the years, she still has a nice figure.
After dinner it was back to her place to watch HEROES. Tonight was their cliffhanger to hold you in suspense until January, when the show returns. A perfect replication of the Saturday serials at the movies in the 40's and 50's. Written for adults, it still employs the classic "hero at the precipice" episode ending that draws you back for the next weeks show.
If you are on broadband, just click the link and you can watch all the prior episodes. NBC-TV is streaming them online.
No one has commented about this, so either I am the only person watching it or, maybe, just the only person enjoying it. I guess thats why Baskin & Robbins makes more than one flavor of ice cream.
Path From Big Beach To Little Beach

"Let's all be careful out there!"