It was a pretty quiet Saturday. Half my fares before midnight and half after.
Had a Japanese lady compliment me last night. She said I was very good looking. Huh? I don't see that when I look in a mirror. Of course I was faltered. I think it might just be my bushy full beard. Japanese men can't grow one like mine, so I can see where it could be a fantasy for some.
A few tourists but mostly residents for the shift. My co-driver, Murph, passed over an OGG to me for 8p. Finally got out of town. Paid me $80 on a $54. That was the high point of my shift.
Gene, a driver who, because of medical issues, has become our new night dispatcher. Covering at least the 2 days our other dispatcher, Tree, is off. Gene is a retired cop out of Oregon. I have not had a face-to-face meeting with him and, because of our schedules, had only heard him briefly on the radio. His first night dispatching was last night. I could tell instantly that he had been a cop. His radio procedure was clean, smooth, concise and crisp. What a joy to my ears. I could tell by listening to him that he can multi-task.
12 fares / 109 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
Here are two stories (#1 - #2) from our local rag about Lahaina Halloween - 2007.***
I bid all of you ado. I am off to bed to sleep. And sleep some more. Then wake up and look at the clock and roll back and go back to sleep. I am so looking forward to being off the next two days.Oh, did everyone in Canada and the US remember to set your clocks back this morning? If not, you were always an hour ahead of the game until you did.

"Let's all be careful out there!"