My major source of "meter" were my 2 solo hour runs. The best being a roundtrip from The Prince, in Makena, to Minit-Stop. A 16 mile trek, plus a brief waiting time, to purchase a couple of packs of cigarettes. All totaled, that is more than $35 per pack. The guy was former USMC, retired from United Airlines, now working in Iraq as a civilian contractor. This wasn't his most expensive pack of cigs. A while back, in Chicago, he was part of a backstage party following some concert. Left to buy some smokes and on the exit ramp of the parking structure, he broke a "U"-joint on his driveshaft. Cook County cop gives him a ride to the nearest open garage to arrange a tow. By the time they returned, the car had been totally "stripped", including the driveshaft. A few thousand dollars, per pack!
I did learn something that hasn't been mentioned in the news out of there. Contrary to all these stories about the sophistication (cell phone detonators) of the IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), in reality, most of these devices are actually using washing machine timers. Basically, a very simple spring operated "clock". Not effective against unanticipated troop movements but the most practical method for crowded market places.
A tragic accident on Monday, solo fatality. I am interested in how MPD classifies it. Around 12:30p, Monday afternoon, some tourist drove his 2006 Mustang convertible rental over a cliff. He was ejected. Police responded to a report of a vehicle in the ocean and you know the rest. Bright, clear day. No wind. Sun almost vertical, no blinding glare.Was he drunk?
If I hear the "cause", I'll let you know.
Okay. This is "hump day". Get past lunch and the rest of the week is "downhill".See ya tomorrow.
The Big Island
Due To Volcanic Activity
Gets About 36 Acres Larger Per Year
Due To Volcanic Activity
Gets About 36 Acres Larger Per Year

"Let's all be careful out there!"