There hasn't been a story in our local "rag" about that car fire I reported on Saturday. So, the rumors must have been just that. Rumors.
Had dinner at Judy's. Some "take-away" that I picked up on my way there. Since HEROES is on hiatus until late September, we opted to watch The History Channel instead.
Earlier in the day I watched "Band Of Brothers". Probably the best miniseries that HBO ever produced.
My co-worker, Tina, who also is a licensed "Activities" agent/broker. Runs her own business. She and some friends recently did the horseback "thing" inside Haleakala. She said it was a lot of fun. She passed some photos to me (sunset excluded) for today's THE PICTURE GALLERY. Hope you enjoy them.Short post today. I am tired and want to get some extra sleep before I go back to work tonight.
I hope everyone (in the US) had a great 3-day weekend. Now you only have 4 days in which to cram 5 days worth of work.
Have fun.
Tina On Applejack

Chucker Partridge


"Let's all be careful out there!"