(click post title to visit their site)
I am a devoted fan of Celtic music. Last night I was able to catch a PBS special featuring this wonderful group of lasses. It was their second concert on our viewer supported public broadcast TV network.
There is something about this genre that really appeals to me. A resonance within my soul. Intellectually, I can see/hear where the roots of early American country & western music derives from it. The American clog dancing is similar to the Irish step dance. The style of playing a fiddle has direct ties back to Eire.
But the Irish form of all this is the parent and is distinctively different, and better, from it's American counterpart.
These beautiful ladies are touring the States right now and if you can wrangle a way to attend one of their shows, you will not be disappointed.
Other than that, I didn't do much else but sleep and surf the web for more images for THE PICTURE GALLERY.I am sorry that I really have nothing of interest to post today. Maybe tomorrow will produce something of interest.
Thanks for coming by.
Old Gate
Pu'u o Hoku Ranch
Pu'u o Hoku Ranch

"Let's all be careful out there!"