Spent part of today doing some blog housekeeping.
Reinstated my archives to reflect all postings back to November of 2003. Most are just random thought shit as I learned how to use this thing.
Removed any "dead" links that I found and cleaned out blogs that haven't had a post in over 6 months. Sadly, this included Melissa Plaut's New York Hack. As with all deleted blogs, I still have them on my newsreader and if they should become active again, they'll be returned to the sidebar.
One of those who has returned is Barry's Baghdad Blog. Barry, an International Police Liasion Officer (IPLO), is now working in Liberia and the blog has been renamed The Blog Formerly Known As Barry's Baghdad Blog.
A new one that I found, by checking links, is Planet Kaua'i. This individual gives a unique viewpoint from a "Garden Isle" perspective.
Welcome aboard to the new ones and may the old ones rest in peace.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"