The community of Olowalu is located 9 miles from Ma'alaea and 9 miles from Lahaina. In the absolute middle of nowhere along SR-30

I've been having fun with these sweet people all week. They come to Mau'i every year for the winter. He is originally from Australia and she is pure London British. I've never asked what he did for a living, he is obviously retired, and she owns/owned (?) a boutique, which explains all the very chic outfits she's worn this week.
After dropping them, I called dispatch to see how busy we were. Olowalu is beyond the range of our main radio channel and no one monitors the secondary one. He said things were pretty quiet, so I decided to try my luck on Front Street, in Lahaina. About 1 mile long, it is the commercial center of the west-side. It is also the old whalers village and the original capital of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. Cruised Front Street for an hour. And not one "flag"! It was Saturday night and the streets were packed with people as were the parking lots with their cars. Only saw 3 moving taxis that whole time. All the rest were parked. A fruitless effort, so I went back to Oluwalu to wait. I had them back home before 10:30 PM.
The remainder of the shift was asi, asi. Then AA#14 was canceled. That gave me 2 fares from the airport to Wailea.
Had 4, almost 5, more fares to closeout the shift. Just as I was turning over the phone to Murph, I received a call from another cab company, across the island, asking us to oick up some guy at the 7-11 (convenience store) and take him somewhere. I was having to go into town anyway to park #14 so I told Murph that I would cover it. Just about halfway there Murph calls me on the radio and advises that the guy just called back. The fare is going to Ha'iku. A $75 run. Also a 2 hour roundtrip and I hadn't brought my sunglasses. I asked Murph if he wanted it and he accepted. The money would have been nice but I was already pretty well sapped. I wouldn't have been safe. Prisons are full of people whose greed exceeded their common sense.
11 fares / 184 miles / 4th quarter $200 bracket
Two days off!
The ol' e-mail bag looks interesting this week. I'll share some tomorrow. Have a great day everybody. Until next time...

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"