The 5th of May is "Boy's Day" in Japan. It is a national holiday.
Oh, yeah, it is also the day that the American "booze biz" has adopted as a celebration of a very minor holiday in Mexico. Called Cinco de Mayo.
I remember hearing one early 20-something girl last year complaining that she hated Cinco de Mayo because she would do too many "Ta-Kill-Ya" shots and wake up naked, in a strange bed, the next day with a bleeding rectum.
The night started at a walk and progressed to a sprint. As usual, we were in the doldrums from 11pm to 1am. Those are the prime drinking hours and folks don't tend to move from one bar to another. Bar close was a madhouse.
Yeah, right.
Just before 2am I was "flagged" in the FoodLand parking lot. 4 Tongans headed just past the northend of Kihei. ONE-NINE was seriously loaded. The smallest guy weighed about 350 lbs (159 kg). One sat shotgun and the other three somehow managed to squeeze themselves into the back seat. While mildly intoxicated, they were all very polite and well behaved. ONE-NINE has a rear "air-suspension" system and throughout the 5 mile ride I could hear the compressor motor trying to adjust/level the load.
At 12:34pm tomorrow, it will be 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
I am dead tired. I need to get some rest before tonight's melee.Have a good weekend and I'll be back mañana. Hope you will be too.
SURF'S UP!photos courtesy of :

"Let's all be careful out there!"