Two runs between 7p and 1a. A total of $19.30 on the meter and 15 miles on the odometer.
Give me a fucking break!
Almost half-past one, this morning, I snag a "flag" from the "Triangle" to Wailea. As soon as I return to Kihei I get dispatched to Bada Bings. Three people but no destination given. Make the pickupDESTINATION: The Pride of Hawai'i in Kahului harbor!
That more than doubled the meter for the shift. Get back to Kihei and am assigned one from FoodLand. One male, no destination given.
Get there and Kimo meets me to pass over the phone. You guessed it.
Back to the harbor!
And that was the final fare of the night.My second run last night was a "regular". A musician that plays until 10p at Kahale's in the "Triangle". Its only a 3/10ths of a mile trip, metering exactly $5. Usually he gives a $5 tip. During the short jaunt he was telling me how slow it was at the bar. He usually rakes in a "C"-Note, or so, each night. He only got $20 last night. He still gave me $1 over. A kind gesture.
5 fares / 87 miles / 1st quarter $100 bracket
Okay, Aerosmith is playing at the 10,000 seat War Memorial Stadium, Kahului, on September 26th. Ticket range is:$125-$85-$65
Now think about this:
You've always wanted to visit Mau'i. Right? Airfare is cheaper then. All activities are on Deep discount. Condo's can be rented for a song.
So why not come over. Enjoy some classic entertainment, under the warm tropical stars. Maybe even hire me on occasion.
Yeah, I know. A blatant plea for business.
Have a "fear of flying"? This won't help it any.
FREDDYBEACH CABBY has an interesting post about those of us who have a natural affinity for the night.
Also associated is this site:
--- --- ---
Michelle, the host of THIS FARE CITY is a unique person. Articulate, artistic, and a "tough cookie" with a heart of gold.When I read this STORY , it almost tore my heart out.
The followup/closure was heart wrenching.
Among other time passing activities, she sketches on her shift deposit envelopes:

Borrowed this from Brent (LAW AND DISORDER), a LEO in Iowa.
We didn't have Tazers. Lack of cooperation meant brute force tactics. With the incidental torn uniforms, bruises, etc.
Enjoy your day. Hope you can stop by tomorrow.Mahalo
Wailua Falls

"Let's all be careful out there!"