Love is ...

A catamaran with 51 people aboard lost its mast in gusty weather off the Ka'anapali Coast Sunday afternoon, leaving 1 person dead and at least two injured. The boat sank but all 50 survivors were rescued.***
TMR did bring my money from last night's Speedi-Shuttle "no-pay". He also mentioned that the "Professor" did show up. Interesting.***
I tried a "bright idea" with the blog today. It didn't work. Back to the drawing board.***
I added Google Analytics to the Paradise Driver. Not really impressed with it. Just a very poor statistics counter. Stat-Counter is much, much better. So is Site Meter.***
Found and added a new "Cab-Blog" today.
SoCal Cabbie is out of San Diego, CA, USA.
Just a relaxed day for me. Thanks for coming by and hopefully I'll "see" you tomorrow.
Special For
"June In Florida"
"June In Florida"

"Let's all be careful out there!"