But that explains why my counters have "nose-dived" this weekend.
I am from an age where we celebrated Lincoln's Birthday (February 12th) and Washington's Birthday (February 22nd). Never did adapt to this consolidation.
Everyone is either getting out of town for the long weekend or are still busy shoveling their drives and walks. More and likely, the latter.
Tuesday is Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). The population of New Orleans is going to go all out for their celebration. They've had 26 homicides since the first of the year. Maybe more, I haven't checked since Saturday.
As usual, I slept most of the day away. Awoke before sunset. Grabbed a bite to eat and sat down on my couch to see if there was anything worth watching on the tube. After 15 minutes, I was sawing logs again. Oh, well.

"Let's all be careful out there!"