If no one uses ONE-NINE today, and no one is scheduled to, then sometime during tonight's shift we will have a winner. 49 miles is a bit of a toss up as to when it will happen. If I only get pu-pu runs then it could be right around midnight. One OGG is 34 miles, roundtrip. If I am lucky enough to bag one of those, then it will be closer to 900pm.
Of course, I could get hit by a semi when the odometer reads 099999.9
Barring any unforeseen difficulties, I'll snap a pic of the dashboard, with the time/date stamp activated.
Like this:
We'll all know tomorrow.
Logged in 1st up in Wailea and got the first run of my night at 7:25p. While it was just a pu-pu, it dove-tailed into another fare that took me further north into Kihei. And that synced-up with a third fare from town back into Wailea. $38.70 on the meter by 8:15p.30 minutes later I get an OGG out of Wailea.
Things are looking good!
Back into Kihei and I get a "flag" out of Azeka-Mauka Shopping Center. Just a short pu-pu. Clear that and dispatch advises that there are 2 folks waiting for me at Safeway, going into Wailea. I get back into Kihei and within 10-minutes I am assigned another pu-pu. A bar-rusher. As I dropped him at LAB, 2 young ladies approach, wanting to go 1 mile up the road to Star Market. As soon as the guy got out, they hopped in.Take a break at Star for a few minutes and then return to the bus-stop in the FoodLand parking lot. Buses aren't in service after 9:00p. Sat about 5 minutes and 2 guys ask if I am available. A nice long run from there up to a condo in Ma'alaea.
By midnight I had $165 on the meter.
Get sent down to Mulligans on a "10-13" (no load/no show). Had to have at least one of those to keep "reality" as part of my night. By that time, only #11 ("Crazy" Brian), #27 ("TMR") and ONE-NINE were on the road.
Next run was a pu-pu from the Page (Sports Page Bar & Grill) to a nearby condo. Things then started getting quiet.
Back out to Mulligans where half of the "10-13" was finally ready to go. Picked her up and it turned out that her hubby had become impatient having to wait the 10-minutes it took me to arrive the first time. He had taken off on a "walk-about". After tagging along for a bit, she knew that it was a 5+ mile trek to their residence and had returned to the bar. Stupid-drunk hubby called just as we started moving. He was somewhere close to The Shops At Wailea. Actually, it took about 4 or 5 different calls before that was actually determined. Wifey was pissed but had it all under control.
"Sounds like you just might be getting the start of a 6-month headache." I joked.
"Definitely a migraine." She replied.She was early 30-sumptin'
"I love him but he gets stubborn and stupid when he drinks too much. Besides I am too old to get divorced."
We waited at The Shops for about 10-minutes for hubby to appear. Long enough to draw the attention of the rent-a-cop on duty there. Dropped them just before 1a at their home.
Then nothing for the next hour. Bar-Close was a complete washout.
Finished off the night with 2 "dog-watch" trips. A long one from Mulligans, taking some employees home and then a pu-pu in central Kihei.
13 fares / 135 miles / 2nd quarter $200 bracket
We had rain in Kihei yesterday!Its been rather sultry of late and the "trades" have died off for a while. The convectional heating of the island in the day caused a huge build-up of clouds. I woke up about 3p to do my laundry. Felt refreshed. Opened my door to go to the laundry and "Damn! Its raining". That wasn't a statement of dismay but one of shock. It has been a very long time since Kihei has received rain. It wasn't a downpour nor a sprinkle. Just a warm steady fall. By the time I left for work, it had stopped. Only a few light sprinkles during the night. Might happen again today. I hope so.
Our friend Lugosi, of Mirth, Musings and More, posted this video last week.The video was recorded in 1994. Listen to the reasons Cheney gives for why the US shouldn't have gone into Iraq during "Gulf War-I". Every one of the reasons he cites had not changed by 2003.
Read Lugosi's take on all this HERE.
The end of this "error" can not come too soon.
May my weekday only visitors have a great weekend. Everyone else, lets get together again tomorrow and find out who won the contest.Mahalo
Ka'anapali Beach

"Let's all be careful out there!"