Hello All,
This is Wil's friend Alissa, also sometimes referred to as "Whiskers" on Wil's blog. I spoke with Wil for an hour last night and got the scoop on his condition. He asked that I share what is going on with everyone since he has not had access to the internet. He values each and every one of you who come on his blog to check in on him and wanted to make sure all of you knew what was going on so you don't have to worry.
Throughtout the last few weeks Wil had been experiencing a great deal of pain in his stomach. At first he though it was maybe a hernia due to stress but the pain continued to get worse and worse. It eventually got so bad that he could not even move out of his bed and could not eat. Finally, last Friday, he could not take the pain any longer. He was going to call a cab to bring him to the hospital but realized he was not even capable of doing that. He called 911, was picked up, and thats when all the craziness began. He had to have emergency surgery that was very risky. He is still in some pain but it is better. Sadly, Wil has been diagnosed with cancer. The type of cancer is still unknown but the doctor said things look more in his favor for now. The future is unknown until the type of cancer is diagnosed. We will keep you posted. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers and if you can help him out in any way, it would be greatly appreciated.
He also mentioned yesterday how grateful he is to each and everyone of you who helped him out last month. He feels your love and support. A BIG thank you from Wil goes to you.
More info to come as I get it.
Alissa aka Wiskers
Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
3 months ago