When the sun sets tonight, go outside and look west. You may see the brightest comet in thirty years hanging just above the horizon. It’s Comet McNaught (C/2006 P1). Click here for more information

"Let's all be careful out there!"
"Where are you folks from?"Okay, this isn't getting off on the correct footing.. $6.50 later, we arrive at the Four Seasons. He presents a $100 bill.
"Russia. Shut up and drive. We are late."
"I am sorry but I don't carry that much change. Do you have anything smaller?I tapped the meter, reactivating the "waiting" clock.
"You lazy Americans never have money. What credit card do you take?"
"None, mister. We are strictly a cash business."
"Why don't you have money? Cabbies in America are stupid and lazy. Why did the price just change? We have arrived. Turn that off now."At this point a valet had heard enough of the conversation to make an offer to take the C-note to the front desk for change. My Russian friend accepted and then we waited, the meter jumping up 30-cents every minute. I was handed a Twenty and made change, all in coins, for the final $7.10 fare.
"Mister, until I get paid, that meter stays running."
"I won't pay more than six dollars."
"I guess you'll be going to jail rather than dinner then."
"You are a real American asshole!"Many years ago, as a teen, my dad told me that one of the greatest insults that can be given to a Russian was to call them "uncultured". Russians have a complex about "culture" and know that theirs is just a sheer veneer.
"Actually, I am a real American prick and you, my friend, are very uncultured. Are you the best example that Russia has to present as a representative of your country? What a shame that there are so few cultured people in your country."
Those who fail to learn history correctly--
Why they are simply doomed.