Two of the drivers were complaining about how slow it was. Both have been around the tourist industry long enough to have learned about our annual cycle of business. One came to me wondering what happened to the "busy" December that he was expecting. I updated his mental data base but I am not sure if a file error didn't occur in the process. He is definitely not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. The other one I have spoken of earlier this week. He was upset that he only had 2 runs logged since 3:30pm. He abandoned ship about 9:00pm and the phone started going crazy around 10:00pm. It stayed that way until 3:30am. Bad tactical move on his part
The night followed the pattern of the week, 8 runs, at 45% of the meter, prior to midnite and 10 runs, 55%, post the witching hour. Since it didn't start hopping until late, the vast majority of my runs were intoxicated. And boring.
Didn't get any calls from MPD but they were out in force. Every officer is actively searching for DUIs. Blue lights flashing all up and down south Kihei road and on the Pi'ilani Highway. Speed enforcement to the max.
An early fare was a young couple from North Carolina. They had lived on Mau'i four years ago and were back visiting. The were astounded by the amount of growth that had taken place since their departure. I would guesstimate our population in Kihei at about 40,000. The official estimates disagree but they are lagging at least 3 years behind. And there are still 2 major housing developments (150+ SFRs each) nearing completion plus many small ones also.
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A GREAT IDEA!Bobby at Negative, Ghostrider posted this and I think it bears a repost here and on your blog also, if possible.
Please, Do your part.
Every week, there are men and women serving overseas who get no mail from home. It's time for you, my reader, to take a minute and a half out of your day and do your duty so that none of these extraordinary men and women go without a little love this holiday season. I am personally asking you to visit Let's Say Thanks, select an image and a message or create your own and submit it. Cards will be printed by the Xerox company and sent to our troops overseas. Leave a comment letting me know that you sent one. or six. or eighteen.
Bloggers, if you can, I'd appreciate you putting this(or a post similar) on your blog sometime during the holiday season to help spread the word.
And for your enjoyment, here's a great song/video written by a soldier serving in Iraq.
Mike Corrado - My Watch Tonight
Just a minute of your time can really make a difference in someone else's life. Thank you in advance, my friends.
The Wailea Marriott Resort

"Let's all be careful out there!"