So, I didn't miss out on anything. Luckily, Saturday was a decent night.
Logged on and was assigned first up in Kihei and within 10 minutes I had my first job of the night. Followed by one that took me into Wailea and then another which took me back into Kihei. In fact, I had 6 runs logged before 9:00 PM. Not half shabby. Waited around through most of the 9 o'clock hour before the 7th, which took me from Urgent Care, in Kihei, to MMMC (hospital) across the island. Returned them to their Kihei hotel about 2 ½ hours later. A couple of male flight attendents from San Francisco. We told jokes both directions. I expressed the opinion that I enjoyed "clean" jokes on the outbound leg and that was the ground rule we used on the return leg. No dirty jokes permitted. Lets face it, dirty jokes are easy but a clean joke takes some thinking.
13 fares / 130 miles / 4th quarter $100 bracket
Last night I looked like George Burns at 95 when I was moving around. Every muscle and joint begging me to cash in my chips and go back to bed. I plan to sleep almost the entire weekend away and drag my ass back to work on Tuesday night. Only one item on my agenda for the next 2 days, doing some laundry.
Yawn, I should have tomorrow's post up shortly after midnight, in my time zone (UTC-10). I have some
Enjoy your weekend.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"