LOL! Thats the contention of one researcher. Story
Well, its a step in the right directionTwo towns in Vermont yesterday voted to arrest Bush & Cheney for "destroying the Constitution" should they ever set foot within their town limits. STORY
20 Most Fascinating Prehistoric PaintingsSee More
It Ain't Over 'Til The Fat Lady SingsMcCain has sewn up the nomination for the Republican ticket. It'll be interesting to see who
On the flip side, the street brawl between Clinton and Obama continues. Reminds me of a "toe-to-toe" heavy weight fight in the final rounds. Both combatants too exhausted to "box", so its down to a "slug-fest". Pennsylvania will probably decide the issue in April.
If you are interested, here is more than enough to put you to sleep.
Are you Happy?It may be genetic.
Don't forget:Daylight Savings Time starts this Sunday morning at 2:00 AM (local) in the US. At which time it will be "spring forward" to 3:00 AM (Arizone & Hawai'i excepted).
Have a great day!Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"