Isn't she a doll?! When I arrived, Nora, Leah and Pete were taking a walk on the beach. So she got to make a grand entrance for me. Fell in love instantly!
BACKAlissa, Leah, Pete

Mother and daughter

And my sweetheart was as beautiful as ever
I was disappointed in my camera though. I took one hell of a lot of shots but "auto-focus" didn't do its job on a lot of them. I also have some video that I will edit together later today and post. I am also going to get a better look at the images and find more that might be usable.
Dinner was good comfort food and enjoyable company.
As a brief recap for those who know and to update the newcomers, I met Alissa when I first started driving cab. We have been best friends ever since. After I met her family I could see where she got her gentle loving nature. I don't know whether it is genetic or enviorment, probably both, but these are the naturally nicest people I have met in my entire life.
Today is Judy's birthday. So its off to dinner tonight. Hope the camera works better. Alissa, and her best friend Jenna, won't be able to join us. Scheduling conflict. So we are going to try another night before she leaves.
April 14th has many significant historical events. Abraham Lincoln was shot on this day. He died the 15th. The
Titanic struck its fateful iceberg on the 14th, just before midnight, and sank on the 15th.
If you want to know more about today, just check the links on the sidebar.
World Bank President calls for immediate action on deepening global food crisis. With a full tummy and an enjoyable night, I am headed for bed. Look at the time-stamp. I am dead tired. I'll be back later in the day with more. Please have an enjoyable day.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"