There are 58 days left in the year.
Today's Highlight in History:
- One hundred years ago, on Nov. 3, 1908, Republican William Howard Taft was elected president, outpolling Democrat William Jennings Bryan.
On this date:
- In 1839, the first Opium War between China and Britain broke out.
- In 1868, Republican Ulysses S. Grant won the presidential election over Democrat Horatio Seymour.
- In 1896, Republican William McKinley defeated Democrat William Jennings Bryan for the presidency.
- In 1903, Panama proclaimed its independence from Colombia.
- In 1936, President Franklin Roosevelt won a landslide election victory over Republican challenger Alfred M. "Alf" Landon.
- In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 2, the second manmade satellite, into orbit; on board was a dog named Laika who was sacrificed in the experiment.
- In 1964, President Johnson soundly defeated Republican Barry Goldwater to win a White House term in his own right.
- In 1970, Salvador Allende was inaugurated as president of Chile.
- In 1979, five radicals were killed when gunfire erupted during an anti-Ku Klux Klan demonstration in Greensboro, N.C., after a caravan of Klansmen and neo-Nazis had driven into the area.
- In 1986, the Iran-Contra affair began to come to light as Ash-Shiraa, a pro-Syrian Lebanese magazine, first broke the story of U.S. arms sales to Iran.
Ten years ago:
- In national elections, Democrats gained five House seats, trimming the Republican majority.
- Minnesotans elected former pro wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura to be their governor.
- The death toll from Hurricane Mitch grew to 9,000 in Honduras.
Five years ago:
- Congress voted its final approval for $87.5 billion for U.S. military operations and aid in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Russia's richest man, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, already jailed on fraud and tax evasion charges, resigned as head of the Russian oil giant Yukos.
One year ago:
- Gen. Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan.
- United Auto Workers agreed to a tentative contract with Ford Motor Co.
- Two astronauts conducted a successful spacewalk to save a ripped solar wing on the space station.
Today's Birthdays:
- Baseball Hall-of-Famer Bob Feller is 90.
- Actress Lois Smith is 78.
- Former Massachusetts Gov. Michael S. Dukakis is 75.
- Actor-dancer Ken Berry is 75.
- Movie composer John Barry is 75.
- Actor Shadoe Stevens is 62.
- Singer Lulu is 60.
- Comedian-actress Roseanne Barr is 56.
- Actress Kate Capshaw is 55.
- Comedian Dennis Miller is 55.
- Actress Kathy Kinney is 55.
- Singer Adam Ant is 54.
- Actor Dolph Lundgren is 51.
- Rock musician C.J. Pierce (Drowning Pool) is 36.
Thought for Today:
"You must be true to yourself. Strong enough to be true to yourself. Brave enough to be strong enough to be true to yourself. Wise enough to be brave enough, to be strong enough to shape yourself from what you actually are."
Sylvia Constance Ashton-Warner, New Zealander author and educator (1908-1984).

"Let's all be careful out there!"