"Saturday NightCouldn't have said it better myself.One of the things I like about Saturday Night, is the fact that I don't have to work Sunday night. This is why Saturdays are my favorite night. Once again Saturday night started off slow, and gradually picked up..."
The good news was I didn't have to take the phone until 12:30a. "Mau'i Jim" (#17) had graciously agreed to accept the duties until midnight. The bad news was that he was not quite centered in his universe and his radio was malfunctioning. It got really bad when he got a trip to the "west-side" and we all had to switch to channel #2. That repeater is on the top of the island of Lana'i and it didn't like Jim's radio at all. The rest of us could hear each other okay but not him. I mentioned the problem in the end of shift e-mail I send to the owner each morning.
Good news #2 is that I completely filled up my "trip sheet". Bad news was that I never left town. Some decent runs but mostly pu-pus.
The business at the bars was quiet. Few tourists and devoid of most of those who work the "customer contact" service industry jobs. They didn't earn much in tips this past week.
After I took over the phone, Jim went home, I was the ONLY cab on the "south-side". TMR (#27) was headed to Kahului to pick up a "special" he had dropped earlier. Went to the "Triangle" for a fare. He gets in and it was the usual:
"Aloha. Where to?"
"Friend, we are in Kihei. Where in Kihei do you want to go?"
"I already fucking told you. KIHEI!"
"Dude, give me an address or condo name or get out."
"Just shutup and drive. I'll tell you where to turn."
"Sir, you now have two options to choose from. I am not taking you anywhere.
ONE, get out of my cab now
TWO, I'll call the cops to come and remove you from my cab by whatever means necessary.
After a short extention to our doomed relationship, he chose option TWO.
15 minutes later I am waiting for another fare at the chained off entrance to the "Triangle" near the Tiki Lounge. Guess who opens my rear door and demands to go to "Kihei".
Yep, ol' stupid. That bit'o'negotiation was even shorter than the previous one.
I also chewed out one of the wannabe rent-a-cops at the "Triangle" last night. I have mentioned before about the on going battle between the property management and the bar owners. Security chains all the street entrances closed and limits access to the property to the rear, which is often impassable due to poorly parked cars/trucks. The lot near Tiki, Dog & Duck & Kahale's has a loop where you can make a circle for access and egress. The lot by Lulu's and Bada Bings is a straight one and to exit you must find a space to turn around or you have to back out the way you came in. Backing up with a herd of drunks grazing across your path is dangerous.
Two weeks ago, I started refusing to go into the "Triangle" after the chains go up. I tell the dispatcher to send the people to the nearest blocked street entrance. Last night security called and I told him where to send the people and why I was making the request. He didn't. I call him back to find out where my fare is and he told me that he wanted the cab in front of the Tiki Lounge. I reiterated and the conversation quickly deteriorated to base name calling and swearing between both of us. The people never came out and I never went in. And since I was the ONLY cab available, I don't know how they departed.
As you might have noticed, I am getting real tired of dealing with drunks. I have been doing so for most of my adult life.
I go through these cycles every so often.
Drunks depress me.
12 fares / 123 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
Stop by tomorrow, if you can. I'll have the pot on.
(OGG, Kahului, Wailuku
In back)
(OGG, Kahului, Wailuku
In back)

"Let's all be careful out there!"