And a profitable night.
People are coming in from all over the world to spend the Thanksgiving holiday. The weather is as great as ever. They should all have a good time.
This coming week should be very busy, if it follows custom.
One one interesting event of the night started about 11:00pm. Myself and cab #17 had been sent to Sarento's On The Beach to move 8 people back to The Grand Wailea. I arrived about 10 minutes before he did but had to wait. The guests would not exit the restaurant until BOTH cabs were there.
While waiting, three very pretty young ladies approached me and wanted to go to Moose McGillycuddy's. I explained that I was already committed to a run but would be back within 15 minutes to pick them up. That was acceptable, after they learned that #27 and I were the only cabs in south Mau'i at that time. The other three cabs on duty were out of town on long runs.As promised, I did pick them up and off we went to Moose's. They were from O'ahu, having a change of scenery. They asked me if Moose's was the "happening place" and I honestly answered them that it wasn't. I offered the "Triangle" as an alternative. As we passed by Moose's, they could see that it was almost empty. Made the drop at the South Shore Tiki Lounge and proceeded on my rounds.
Flash forward to 2:00am
Dispatched to the Tiki for a solo male going to an unknown destination. Arrive and he entered my cab.
"Where are we headed to?"
"The 'Village'."
"Which "Village'?"
We have Kihei Village at the far north end of town. Keonekai Village at the far south end of town. Kihei Villa. Villas At Kenolio and Village By The Sea.
"Don't you know where the 'Village' is?"
"Sir, there are a number of places with the word...."
"Just shut up and drive."
"Sir, you just made a very big mistake. First off, I don't move the cab unless I know where I am going to. Second, I have asked you very civilly for a destination and you have refused to answer me and thirdly, get out of my cab."
At this moment, one of the three girls from earlier stuck her head in the passenger window and asked if I was available to take them back to their hotel.
"Just a moment, sweetheart. I have to get this guy out of the cab."
"I ain't getting out of the cab!"
"Sir, this will be my final request. Please exit the cab."
"Sir, you can get out peacefully, and retain all your teeth and not suffer any broken bones or I will forcibly eject you. It is your choice."
The girl was silently watching this drama unfold.
After he failed to respond, I picked up "Maggie" and slowly walked around to right rear passenger door. His better judgement kicked in and he bailed out, running as I rounded the rear bumper.
By this time, the other two girls had become aware of what was going on. The three guys with them were also paying attention. I explained that I could only take 4 on the first trip and that I would come back and get the other two immediately. Just as I boarded the first group, the problem drunk came back, swore at me and kicked the left rear quarter panel. The guy in the left rear seat immediately jumped out and slugged the asshole square in the nose, knocking him unconscious. He got back in and away we went.
All of them kept expressing approval of how I had never raised my voice during the event. Also, the fact that I never swore and how calm I seemed to be.
Dropped them and went back and got the other two. They also commented on how I had handled the situation. The first four were still waiting at the hotel when we arrived. A lot of talk went on and the end result was that they all decided to tip me above and beyond the gratuities they had already given.
An extra $30!
*** *** ***
ANTI-SMOKING LAWHere's the gist of it:
- No smoking in bars, restaurants, workplaces, enclosed and semi-enclosed (including any area closed in by a roof, overhang or two walls) public areas and within 20 feet of a doorway or window to a public area.
- Smoking banned anywhere food or drinks are served, including retaurants, bars, lobbies, lanais, covered walkways, as well as lu'au and garden parties.
- Banned in any State or court facilities, buses and taxis, sports arenas, outdoor stadiums and amphitheaters.
- Smoking prohibited at airports from airplane cabins to the terminal curbs.
- Anywhere at Queen's Medical Center (O'ahu).
- Those private homes where licensed childcare or healthcare services are offered.
- At least 80% of a hotel's rooms.
Where smoking IS allowed:
- In private homes, unless licensed childcare or healthcare services are offered.
- In 20% of a hotel's rooms, which must all be on the same floor.
- In State correctional facilities
- In retail tobacco stores.
Consequences of noncompliance:
- Businesses will be fined $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second offense and $500 for every subsequent offense.
- Loss of business and/or liquor license for multiple offenses.
- Individual violators will be fined $50.
Enforcement problems and loopholes:
- Must be observed "in progress" by a police officer. If the offense is not occurring when the cops arrive, then there is no offense.
- Cabs not under fare or "off-duty" or "out-of-service".
This is a very low priority crime and it might be hours or days before an officer would be able to respond. As most of you are aware, crimes are dispatched according to the seriousness of the offense. The same way hospital emergency rooms treat patients. "First come" is not necessarily "first served". Which is as it should be.
The hotel bans will be particularly hard to enforce. Since the offense must be "seen" by a police officer, it will be basically unenforcible. Just smelling the odor of smoke or the presence of cigarette butts in an ashtray is not a violation of the law and do NOT constitute evidence of the offense.
Mau'i County also has it's own anti-smoking ordinance, which went into effect the first of this year, and it bans smoking on any properties owned by a school. Cutting across the distant corner of a school playground while smoking is a violation.
Hawai'i has become the 14th state to ban smoking.
I'OA (ee-ow) VALLEY
Where it is located

The I'ao Valley is the second wettest place on the face of the Earth. About 385 inches (977.90 centimeters.) of precipitation per year.
The Korean Influence

"Let's all be careful out there!"