About 10 of 2 this morning, I am parked in front of Kahale's. Three tourists approach. They needed a ride to The Grand.The guy and the blond girl get in the back and the brunette girl takes "shotgun". Within 200 yards I found out that "shotgun" and the guy were engaged and the blond was the brunette's best friend.
While waiting at the signal, Brunette told me that she doesn't wear her engagement ring because she doesn't like it.
"You don't like it because I only paid $9,800 for it."
The guy announced.
"Well I told you I wanted at least a $10,000 ring."
Brunette replied.
"With gold's recent uptick, I am sure it is worth at least $10,000 now."
I interjected.
In a "soft" aside to me she whispered,
"Besides, its ugly."
Her aside wasn't really that soft. I am sure the people standing outside LAB could hear it
"It's only ugly because I didn't pay 10-Grand."
"Well, yeah, thats true."
I busted a gut laughing.
"Aren't you the narcissistic little bitch?"I exclaimed.
"Boy, she sure is."
The guy chuckled.
"I agree."
Piped in the blond.
"Of course I am. The only person you can truly love is yourself."
From there, the conversation wandered off on the topics of designer bags, designer shoes, designer lingerie, tummy tucks, boob jobs and whether a woman should be completely shaved or retain a small patch.
I also was educated on what a first time TOTAL bikini wax felt like.
Drugless natural child birth sounds less painful.The shift itself was very mediocre. 6 in-town runs and only 2 made the venture into low double digits territory.
Que sera, sera.
Out of state plates really standoutTHE PICTURE GALLERY
Kalalau Trailhead

"Let's all be careful out there!"