Okay, not in the "raincoat" tradition but I think that Hayden Panettiere is one of the most beautiful young actors in the world. She stars in HEROES, my "must see" TV show, which had its season finale last night. She turned 18 back in September. She also seems to have a head on her shoulders and I doubt if she'll follow in Britney's, Lindsay's or Paris' hijinks. Here are some recent pics:

County, state and federal officials will be conducting a joint training exercise this week aimed at practicing how to mitigate a terrorist incident involving weapons of mass destruction.
(click text for complete story)
One, just one, radiological weapon detonation at 1,000' above the K-Mart store at the intersection of Dairy Road and Hana Highway, in Kahului, would contaminate our airport, harbor, hospital, police headquarters, fire department headquarters, 9-1-1 communications center, all Federal, State & County offices and the Army Reserve Base. The trades would spread radiation over the National Guard Armory and the three roads that connect to West and South Mau'i. Access from "upcountry" and all points east would also be blocked. I am not talking about a nuclear weapon, just a dirty, radiological contaminated, fertilizer and fuel oil mix. Just one lil' ol' "bang" and all local response would be wiped out. Since the harbor and the airport are where our food and fuel enter the island, we'd be fucked. But I am sure that at the end of this "exercise" we'll be presented with glowing results and the "day" will be saved. Oh, if the trades were blowing, most of Kihei/Wailea would be contaminated also.
I am not worried. If worse come to worse, I'll just find a grade school somewhere and crawl under a student's desk. Just like they taught me in grade school, some 50 odd years ago.
The rains continue here in paradise. Looks like we are going to go through periods of downpours followed by brief respites of sunshine. Well, it is our rainy season (Nov-Feb).***
Have a wonderful day/week/remainder of the year.Hope to see you here tomorrow.
Rainy Days...

"Let's all be careful out there!"