After Saturday night, Judy and I were both up for a nice home cooked meal. I had offered to make spaghetti. We were in the veggie section of Safeway when I saw the above sign. We both looked at each other and then at the artichokes. Neither of us have had one in a very long time. So that was our instant change of menu. Added some potatoes and headed for the checkout stands.
The artichokes were larger (about the size of a softball) than we normally see on the store shelves in Kihei.
Took about an hour to prepare dinner, which was followed (a long while later) by a slice of THAT cheesecake she had received at her birthday dinner.
A tranquil and peace filled evening.
MEET HERCULESEThis gorgeous mastiff has a 38" neck
"SURFS UP!"Don't you wish you were here, right now?
Mahalo to Van,
Maui Action Photos

Lahaina Banyan Tree

"Let's all be careful out there!"