AND A NEW BEGINNING TOMORROWUnless something really drastic has happened, the "new"
Paradise Driver will commence tomorrow. The changes won't be too major but everything associated with Hawai'i will be gone, including
THE PICTURE GALLERY. I know a lot of you enjoyed that feature but it just doesn't seem appropriate now that I no longer live there. Sorry.
The content will be the same, political commentary, the news that most outlets tend to overlook and, of course, the strange stuff that just doesn't make any sense but happens anyway. I truly hope that I don't lose too many of you because of this. I've always enjoyed the support you've given me over the years.
I hope to be spending some time this evening with my "daughter", Amber, and her boys TJ & Evan. It will be my first time to see the youngest and he is already 4 years old. A pure holy terror. LOL! Maybe I can make an impression on him that will settle him down a bit.
There are still some preprogrammed posts left in the hopper for today. I pray you find them acceptable.
Also, the times my new posts will appear here are going to shift ahead by three hours. I have been issuing new pages every 6 hours for the past couple of months at Midnight, 6a, Noon, 6p and plan on continuing that practice. But from the Pacific Time Zone instead of the Hawaii one. Which means I have to start getting used to longer days in the summer. Hopefully I'll be in Asia before I need to worry about time changes and shortened daylight hours.
I will also have to readapt to "weather". Where I am at now sees temps in the 100°f+ range in July and August for 30-40 days at a time. Two weeks ago they had that for about a week. But the evenings can also chill down by over 40°f. Cool pre-dawn hours and then the blazing heat of summer as the Sun rises.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"