"Princess" Leah (Mommy)
Pete "The Prince" (Daddy)
Ron (Grandpa)
Susan (Grandma)
Alissa (Auntie)
Pete "The Prince" (Daddy)
Ron (Grandpa)
Susan (Grandma)
Alissa (Auntie)

If cats and dogs can get along together,
Why can't people?
Why can't people?
For some reason I cannot seem to upload images via either version of PARADISE DRIVER. So I created a "work-around". Actually, I created a "private blog using a different gmail account. No problems uploading pics there and then it is a simple matter of just cc&ping the code over to the Paradise Driver accounts.I sent 2 e-mails to support@blogger.com and received back a "canned" response on both that didn't help at all. Just directed me to the "status", "issues" and "forum" pages. Which I had already checked prior to writing them. Geez.
I think I may create another "doppelganger" over at WordPress, or somewhere. The reliability of this "NEW" blogger is the shits.
Arriving In Kalaupapa
After Mule Ride Down The Pali
After Mule Ride Down The Pali
A Colorful Hawai'ian Sunrise

"Let's all be careful out there!"