Then there are some who don't:

The next victim of the economic squeeze may just be those huge flat screen TVs.
Most of you won't remember her, but Dody Goodman died yesterday at age 93.
According to this study, we should think in GPM rather than MPG.

This is the very first home I remember. My parents bought it after I was born. It looked a lot different back then. Part of the post-war building boom. A very basic 2-bed/1-bath home. My Dad did some improvements that still remain. Including the cinder block fence you see along the side. Various owners over the past half century had made many others. I used to climb on the roof from the front porch, at age 4. Scared the shit out of my folks. I would parachute from the roof edge to the ground. Never broke anything but got the air knocked out of me a few times. Found the image on Google Maps - Street View.
This is where I had my first dog, Snoopy. Where we got our first TV set. The big room on the left didn't exist. That was the driveway to the garage. Like the one you can see on the house to the left. The front porch was way different. From here I rode my first bicycle, without training wheels, the first time I ever got on one. I was going to be good enough to do what the bigger neighbor kids could do. Rollerskated on the sidewalk, back when the skates attached to a kids leather shoes. As a little kid, this was my world.
Thanks for letting me share.

"Let's all be careful out there!"