Didn't do much today. Stayed up until late afternoon before taking a short nap. Starting to readjust to being a "day" person for the future. Even took a walk, after sunset, down to the ABC Store at Kam I. I haven't done any major walking since I started driving a cab.
I want to thank everyone for the comments here and the e-mails. Also, the phone calls from local residents. Gave me a very positive feeling. I didn't truly fathom the "reach" this blog has. WOW!
I spent a portion of my waking hours gleaning new pic for the blog and have the rest of this month covered. The rainbows and sunsets are the hardest. Not that there aren't plenty of them available, just the question of whether I've used them before. After a while, they all begin to look alike.
Can't even raid the e-mail box, since nothing usable came in.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and, as always, I'll have some more images tomorrow. Maybe some passable commentary as well.
Have a great day!

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"