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It was a good night. While I never left town, I stayed active the entire shift. 5 dinner runs occupied my first 2 hours and blended into the bar rush which netted 6 trips. A 1 hour break and then bar close began, capturing 3 additional journeys. Rounded out the dog-watch with 3 trips. Home by 5a.
17 fares / 137 miles / penetrated the bottom of the $200 bracket
Again, all my passengers were polite, and well behaved. I am not complaining. Believe me.
The only fare of note was a guy I picked up in north central Kihei. He was as gay as the sun is bright but didn't want to admit it. Like anyone really cares anymore. He first request me to drop him at Bada Bings, where Wednesday night's theme is "Alternative Lifestyle". Then he corrected himself and said he erred and wanted to go to Lulu's instead. Lulu's is right next door to Bada Bings. He commented that tonight was "Dolla Bolla" night. Which was correct, at Bada Bings, not Lulu's. He asked for my personal cell #, I gave him my card with the company number on it. He wanted to reserve a pick-up time after bar close. I told him that he needed to call when he was ready to go home because we are always busy at that time and do not accept reservations. Over 90% of the time, they are 10-13s (no show/no load) anyway. He never did call for a return. Must have gotten "Lucky". It must be difficult trying to live a lie, even if it is only to yourself.
We have a new driver. He works day shift and has been with us for a couple of months. He is a definite profit center for the company but his radio procedure is grating. If something can be said in less that 5 words, he'll use at least 50. When he "keys" the mike, it is diarrhea of the tonsils. A total brain dump into our communications system. He has never learned the two most important rules of radio.- KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid
- ABC - Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity
This week is following and building on last week. We have entered the "summer" season. Next week is the Fourth of July holiday and we start getting slammed. Hopefully through Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer vacations.Until tomorrow, my friends.

"Let's all be careful out there!"