In fact the most exciting event of the night was a beer theft at FoodLand about 1:30am. I had just pulled into the parking lot (car park) when I observed a whacked out local male high steppin' it out of the front door, a 12 pack of Coors bottles in each hand. The dumb-ass security guard actually stepped out of the thief's way as he ran past. Go figure. As the mental midget was running, he tripped and dropped one 12-pack, breaking it. This didn't even falter his stride. I followed him, hoping to get his pic, but he ran across Kihei road and into the murky realm of Kalama Park. Damn!

Logged on at 7:01pm and was dispatched to the Kea Lani at 7:15pm for an OGG run. This was a nice, young, couple from Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. They were starting a 24 hour trek home. I think having to eat that much airline food should be considered as "cruel and unusual" punishment.
Right after I made the drop, the owner transferred the phone and I assumed dispatch duties. He told me that we had no reservations for the night and that I also had no cabs available, everyone was on a run.
Never got slow, never got busy. Just stayed steady for the shift.
My second longest run of the night was a couple from La Ciudad de Mexico, DF, MX. Later in the shift I had a pu-pu run with a couple from just outside of Liverpool, England, UK. And, later, a pair of Irish lasses, place of residence unknown.
Totaled 13 runs for the night, 2 during my solo period.
The best part of the night was that "Murph" and Flor both checked in at 4:30am and I was home by 5:00am.

Had a serious talk with the owner about this guy. Expressed my opinion and informed him that that the majority of the night dispatcher/drivers have decided they will not "dispatch" to this guy in the future. Kind of limits his opportunity to make money at night.

Oprah's people start leaving today. They had a little fireworks show last night. And I mean little. Maybe one minutes worth, followed about a half hour later by a 10-second burst. wow!
We don't have to concern ourselves about getting them to the airport. They have a "charter bus" (actual about 2 dozen) to take them to their chartered air carriers for the flight back to "Chi (pronounced "SHY") Town".
This is the first week, in years, that absolutely NOBODY asked me where the "titty bars" or "ho's" could be found. Pleasant.
