We have a unique occupation on Mau'i. A "Lei Girl." These young ladies circulate the restaurants and bars during the night with their baskets of beautiful flowers.
A great way for comely new arrivals to earn an income and begin "networking" for better job opportunities.
The affinity for "hotrods" and classic cars even extends to Mau'i.
This is the first time I have seen this one.

The following two pics are totally useless. I am only posting them as examples of being careful when using a "flash" near reflective material. My "from experience" little camera lesson for the day.

Its a shame that last one didn't come out. It showed MPD's latest weapon on crime. The ATV patrol. Pictured are Officers HINCKLE and BROWN starting patrol of Kalama Park and the "Triangle". I'll try for a better shot down the road.
Looking back over the recent posts, I've noticed that I have been in a negative mood about business. I really shouldn't complain. I am making money, more than enough to cover my needs, and I am having a good time doing it.
So, I'll just let last night fade away by noting that there were no interesting fares or incidents.

"Let's all be careful out there!"