Tonight it was Outback Steak House for dinner. Prime rib for Judy and pork chops for me. Got a kick out of their coasters. The above image is standard on one side and also on the flip side. However, they do throw in some with a message. The two below caught my eye and made the journey home.

The drama at her workplace ended last week and responsibilities were shifted around after the forced retirement of a very elderly co-worker. Now Judy is going to bring their reservation system into the 20th century. Everything is going to be computerized. Once that is done, they may make the move to the 21st century and put it "on-line". It is going to take 1 to 2 years to clean up the mess that she was bequeathed. The retiree kept reservations on 3x5 cards, post-it notes, cocktail napkins and miscellaneous scraps of paper. With that style of filing, no one has the slightest idea of when a guest will be checking in or if they have "space available". The retiree's desktop was piled over 2 feet deep with what was once time-sensitive material, some of it over four years old now. A management firm was hired to take over the books. They have found checks over 1 year old stashed in the pile. Judy has also spent the past week moving from a little cubbyhole on the fringe of the property to the main office. The time-share owners are now stopping by and giving her some very nice gifts. They are ecstatic that she will be handling reservations. The counter to that is she knows there are people that are going to show up, with confirmed reservations that she will not be able to accommodate. She guesstimates that she'll have everything working smoothly by late 2008. So 18 months of headaches and ulcers.
Found another cab related blog this morning.Taxi Tops is from NYC and is a photo-blog of taxicab roof signs. Those are illegal in Hawai'i, along with ads on buses.
Cathy, at Cathy's Rants and Ramblin's, has made an excellent series of posts recently.Everything Alzheimer's was outstanding. Both my maternal grandfather and my mother dies of end stage Alzheimer.
Cath also has written a thought provoking series of essays about cancer, and her battle with it.
Cervical Cancer... Part I....Myths, Lies, and Misconceptions
Cervical Cancer ...Myths, Lies and Misconceptions....Part II
Cervical Cancer ...Myths, Lies and Misconceptions....Part III
Finally, this story of hers shows just how much one person can love another.
Elsewhere on the blog-front:
Have you ever had a "bad hair day"? I mean that literally. Lori, my favorite G'nightgirl at This Just In had the stylist from HELL.
Some more news stories about Sunday's fatal boating accident The victim was a 48 y.o. man from Highland Park, IL, USA.Maui News
Chicago Tribune
As always, thanks for coming over to this little back alley corner of the web.Look forward to seeing you again, real soon.

"Let's all be careful out there!"