Like all the other cabbies who have posted about last night, it was very active.
The night started rather rough, with 5 10-13's (no load - no show) in a row. 2 of them wasted 30 minutes of my time, each, since they were from The Grand. On The Grand time calls, we are dispatched 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pickup (in case they come out early) and have to wait until 15 minutes past the scheduled pickup before we can call 10-13. So that was one hour of the night wasted.
The "professor" was dispatching and it was obvious that he was way out of his league. Over 100 times he told us to hold our radio traffic because he couldn't listen to the phone and the radio at the same time. I noticed that a lot of my 10-13's were given when he was next up and then he would get a great run. I called him out about it over the radio. It wasn't going to happen. This was about 9:00pm when all the cabs were still on, Art was monitoring and not one person corrected me. Because everyone knows about his shenanigans. I later told him that he was the most incompetent dispatcher of the fleet. He thinks I am picking on him. Actually, I am being gentle. About a 3 on a harshness scale of 1-10.
One of our "regulars" was in Lahaina last night. He rides with all of us but prefers it when I can pick him up. He called dispatch and asked for me to come to Lahaina and return a female friend to Kihei. Of course, the "Professor" tried to dissuade him from requesting me and offered his service instead. It didn't work, the "regular" wanted me. Found out about this when I made the pickup.
As might be expected, the fights at the "Triangle" started in earnest after midnight. And not just brief scuffles but brawls involving between 10-50 people at once. Somewhere between 4 to 6 people were Tazered during the night. Saw one of them occur. I like Tazers. Kewl! Oh, if you should ever be unfortunate enough to be with someone who gets Tazered, don't reach out and try pulling him away. Unless you really, really want to know what he is going through at that moment.
Drove 160 miles and had 19 runs. I haven't totaled my trip sheet yet, but I know I made money.
I end this week more exhausted than usual but also more satisfied than I have been in a long time.
See y'all tomorrow.
Map Of The East End Of The Island Of Moloka'I
(Part Of Maui County)
(Part Of Maui County)

"Let's all be careful out there!"