This is in US $ & US gallons for 87 octane.
The prices shown with the images is from March, 2008. You can find the current prices here.
As we all know, in most industrialized nations the vast majority of the price is caused by the taxes that various levels and entities of government add to the cost. Imagine if government stopped collecting their "blood money". Oh, and the further down the food-chain that the tax is levied the worse it is. Since they are also taxing against the price that includes all the taxes levied by other agencies superior to them. You are being tax on the taxes. Does this seem fair? The taxes should be based on the base (pre-tax) price. Of course, no government is going to surrender this windfall. Money is P O W E R.
The main factor in price disparities between countries is government policy, according to AirInc, a company that tracks the cost of living in various places around the world. Many European nations tax gasoline heavily, with taxes making up as much as 75 percent of the cost of a gallon of gasoline.
In a few Latin America and Middle-East nations, such as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, oil is produced by a government-owned company and local gasoline prices are kept low as a benefit to the nation's citizens.
Well, I recently pondered who would be the next great actor to die. Turns out it was Charlton Heston. He was 84.***
Hundreds of tourists stranded by the recent shutdown of ATA and Aloha airlines returned home today on special charter flights.Now THAT is a class act on the part of the HTA. There are at least 2 more flights scheduled for next week.The flights were underwritten by the Hawaii Tourism Authority, which approved $5 million in emergency funds to assist the estimated 9,000 visitors stranded in Hawaii.
Speaking of airlines, here is another example of our government having it head stuck so far up an industry's ass and not really giving a shit about the "common Joe." Screw the safety of the swine. We can't let it affect our "bottom line." Sort of like "Let them eat cake." And we all know what happened to the lady who uttered those fateful words.***
If my, or your, local grocery store decides to show a picture of an apple in an ad, are they going to be sued by Apple, Inc. for copyright infringement? Thats the problem that NYC is facing with their "Green" campaign. You can compare the logo's here. I don't think Apple has a winable case.***
Enjoy the last of your weekend and I hope to see you all again tomorrow. I really appreciate each of you taking the time to drop in and reading my stuff and/or looking at the pictures.Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"