At least for the night shift.. Apparently the daytime has been really hopping.. I hope it starts spilling over onto my shift. Metered barely over $100 last night.
Hotel bookings are way up, almost to 100%, throughout the rest of the month. Thanksgiving week is always busy but we are getting more visitors earlier this year.
The Caribbean is still recovering from the devastation of last years hurricanes. That usually takes 5 to 10 years to rebuild. Southeast Asia may take an entire generation to recover from the tsunami, two years ago.
Wedding bookings have "maxed out" and it is not unusual to see 30 or 40 different beach ceremonies occurring at the same time.
Looks like this winter is going to be extremely good (as in $$).
Speaking of weddings, I took this couple from The Grand to dinner and back.
Unfortunately, they have to leave on Saturday, since there is "no room at the inn", any of the "inns".

Memphis, Tennessee
Getting Married on Friday
Around 3:00am I received a call from a guy at a private residence in north Kihei, he wanted to go back to The Grand. He gave me his address and then started to give me directions to it. I laughed and told him that I knew where that street was. This seemed to astonish him. When I picked him up he even commented that he was used to cabbies not knowing how to find residential addresses.
I guess on the mainland, in larger metro areas, this could be a problem. Though most cities seem to have a grid pattern that can be easily learned. An exception would be the Boston Metro region, where all the streets were laid out by the easiest route from one farm or village to another back in the 1600s.
The final run of the shift were three "bar maids" from Life's A Beach. That was about 4:30am. I had spoken with each of them many times but we had never met each other. All three said that they love it when I am the one who answers the phone. I am easy to understand, give them a time estimate for pickup and never seem to be stressed out, no matter how busy it is. Like a duck skimming across a lake, I seem so serene. They can't look below the surface and see me paddling for dear life sometimes.
This one goes under the assumption of a 100 foot tsunami. We already have historical evidence of there being tsunamis over 1,000 feet high. Thats the ONLY way that seashells ended up on the top of the island of Lana'i's highest peak.
Still a well done video.
A better video link at the National Geographic Website

"Let's all be careful out there!"