It'll be interesting to see what happens after November 7th
Can't argue with this take on life.

This is Robin, the night bartender at Mulligan's. A native of Ireland, he has the greatest irish accent. He is a regular on my solo hours.

The Shops At Wailea

The Shops At Wailea

I made more runs, and money, after everyone else went home. 5 runs between 7p and 2a. 6 runs from 2a to 5:30a. Just broke $100 on the meter.
As is typical with the night following a big party night,
It is still raining (6:30a) and I hope it continues all day. I could use a good sleep.
This is a shot that I had misfiled from that group I posted earlier.
That the Menehune Shores on the left and the Maui Lu on the right.

Whale watching season usually starts on December 15th

"Let's all be careful out there!"