The name is:
I've never heard of it before.

The above images are their exterior displays.
Interesting. Looks like their target market is the up-scale "30-somethings".
Does anyone know about it?
While I did 5 runs more than Wednesday night, my meter was $40 lower. 2 of the 11 fares were less than $10 and none were over $16. 4 of the 11 were during my solo hours.In other words, it was a quiet night.
Around 9:00pm I was starved. Drastic reduction in my blood sugar. Went into one of the two convenience stores at The Shops and the only thing that looked halfway palatable was a turkey wrap. That is, basically, a turkey sandwich where a flour tortilla is substituted for the sliced bread. It is rolled up like a burrito and then sliced into manageable segments.
I ate about 1/3rd of it. It really wasn't that good. I hate to waste food, so when I spotted a feral cat wondering the parking lot a short distance away I quietly exited ONE-NINE, slowly walking to a tree island between us. The whole way there I kept softly calling "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty". That got its attention. It didn't flee. I gently placed the remainder of the wrap on the cement berm surrounding the tree and then slowly backed away. My retreat was matched in pace and distance by its advance. It sniffed the offerings, grabbed a portion and dashed a few feet back towards where it had been. Wolfed it down and then came back for more. Eventually it just stayed where the feast was and dined. Maybe that helped it to live a day longer. It was very frisky when it vanished into the night.
I like cats. I also like dogs but dogs are pals, buddies, playmates and often co-conspirators. Cats are a deity unto themselves. They are better than humans. They know it and so do we. Just try to "out stubborn" a cat sometime. It can't be done. Cat haters are individuals who suffer from a species inferiority complex.
About 2 years ago there was a front page article in our local rag about the exploding feral cat population. People wanted to set traps to capture, and, in most cases, euthanize. The entire concept was dropped when the rag ran a feature story the following week about the growing mouse population overwhelming homes on Mau'i. An equilibrium seems to have since been established. Nature has its own system of Checks & Balances.
As always, I really do appreciate your stopping by. Tell your friends about me. They might enjoy this little backwater corner of the web too.Mahalo
Banana Leaves

"Let's all be careful out there!"