Which means that those who gave up something for Lent are nearing the end of their endurance.
The only question that bothers me is when did it happen? New England is hard granite, having been scoured by assorted ice ages. Ask any farmer in New Hampshire and he'll tell you that his most abundant crop is rocks. Every year, massive amounts of glacial debris is forced to the surface in the Spring. If the crater is from a meteor, it had to have occurred within the last 10-13 thousand years. Prior to that it would have been erased from the face of the planet. Prior to that the ice sheet was a couple of miles thick. It'll be interesting to see what develops from this. Using the size of the nearby buildings as a guide, this isn't a very big crater.
I must vacate my place for a few hours this morning. Its time to "bomb" the house for creepy crawlies. This is something that must be done every 1 to 2 years. No matter how tidy you are in the tropics, dem critters always come back. There is not a structure on the island that doesn't suffer from this. My kitty, Bear, will go into the storage shed and I'll hang out in the hammock in the front yard or under the canopy covered picnic table in the back. Have to be gone for 3 hours and then let the place air out for another hour.We'll be picking up dead (or dying) bugs for the next week or so.
Thanks to Lugosi for posting this at Mirth, Musings & More yesterdayGeorge pretty well sums up my feelings.
Enjoy your Sunday. And if you live in Dublin, you had better start stocking up on booze. You know why. Another place where religion runs the country.Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"