I would take off more often if the returns were as good as last night was.
Started the shift by taking a really nice couple from The Grand to OGG.
Newlyweds from Columbus, Ohio, Ryan and Susan were headed back home to start the rest of their life's together.
Drove 179 miles, did 18 fares, and exceeded the $1.50 per mile ratio.
Not a bad night.
The strangest fare was just after bar close. Dispatched to pick up a female near Kihei Rent-A-Car and transport her to Lipoa Center. The fare totaled $5, exactly. She presents a $100 bill. Even if I had that much cash on me, I would never admit it. If the word got out among the locals that we carried that much cash, we would become instant targets for robbery. All cabbies know this, worldwide.
I offered to take her to a store where there might be a chance of breaking it. She freaked when she realized that the meter continued to climb as we drove around. I took her back to the initial drop and asked for her ID. She presented me with her credit card. I got her name and cell phone number and told her that my shift starts about 7:00pm and she could call me tomorrow night (tonight) and I would return her credit card when she paid the fare. She was flabbergasted. I explained that I was holding her CC as collateral against payment and that our alternative was to call the cops. We'll see if she calls.
The prima-donna driver who refused to dispatch has now started a smear campaign against me at work. This driver wants me fired. Some drivers are upset at the nick-names I have given them. We'll see how this plays out. One driver actually told me to stop writing about being a cabbie. That isn't going to happen. I may stop using nick names and start giving out their real names, and telephone numbers, etc.
That would be entirely legal and coercive action to suppress my freedom of speech, my blog, will probably be met with very large lawsuits against those involved.
I know the rest of my readers aren't interested in this but I feel I have to stand up for my rights.
They continue to drop. Mainlanders are probably aghast at this and the rest of the world wishes their prices were this low.
Everything is relative to your location.

Wouldn't you rather be here?


"Let's all be careful out there!"