Thats Saturday, December 22nd, 0608 UTC
Adjust accordingly for your time zone.
A 100% increase over Wednesday.Yesterday was the day the resorts raised their "rack" rates to the maximum. Everyone was leaving, as expected, and everyroom is sold out until at least after the New Year. Also had a substantial number of arrivals. Day shift had stayed very busy going both ways. Some of that lingered into the night hours.
I was the only driver that never got out of town but I had very little "sit" time. Even had 4 fares on the dog-watch. One of those was an MPD request a bit past 2:30 AM. Its that time of year, it was a "domestic" and the male half was going to a friend for the rational cooling off period. Very peaceful, very calm. Very BIG. There isn't a lot you can talk about in that situation. Very quiet ride.
TMR wanted to add the new driver, Jon, to the dispatch rotation, with Saturday night being his first stint. I told him that that was assinine. You don't put a gnubee on the phones on the second busiest night of the week. I told him that Sunday would be more practical. Since its the holiday boom-time, even Sunday won't be quiet but it will be more manageable than other nights. Personally, I think he's going to do a great job. With him added to the rotation, we'll have 8 people sharing the work load.
An even mixture of residents and tourists was enjoyable. Not one sober person but, also, not one obnoxious one, either. It was a great shift. No major tips but all were at the high end of average for me. I hope its an indication of the remainder of this year. It would really help.
19 fares / 128 miles / 1st quarter $200 bracket

Longs Center

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"