Well, the US$ have fallen to record lows. And will probably go even further. So all of you who have contemplated a trip to the good ol' US of A, nows the time! More bang for the buck, err, Euro/Pound/ whatever.
We have a weather condition in Hawai'i called VOG or volcanic smog. We have been under VOG conditions for a while now but it should clear up around the middle of next week. I'll be glad. I am tired of always having my eyes watering, my nose running and the like. Its one of those things that are seldom mentioned in the tourist literature. Combine that with being down-wind of a cane field being burnt for harvest and life has it's pulmonary problems. (choke-hack-cough-sneeze-sniff)
I saw an interesting comparison on TV this week. If a basket ball was used to represent our Sun, then the Earth would be the size of a pea. And, to show relative distance, if that basketball was placed in NYC's Central Park, the next closest star (4.5 light years away - 20+ trillion miles) would be found in Hawai'i.
Well, the Democratic nominee should be pretty much decided by Wednesday morning. Super Tuesday (part dux) will be over. The Democratic "Super Delegate" thing has me a bit confused but most seem to be sliding into Obama's camp.
I see that Time-Warner's film division is going to cut back production from 25-30 films per year to just 18-20. They are also absorbing New Line Cinema, a wholly owned subsidiary that gave us the Lord of the Rings trilogy, thus ending it's existence. Economic worries, of course.
I see that one of the American spirits companies has started a campaign to make St. Patrick's Day a true holiday. Wouldn't it be better to make the holiday on the 18th instead? This way everyone would have an opportunity to sober up and/or get past the "hang-over".
As you can tell, there wasn't a lot to write about today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"