photos courtesy The Maui News / AMANDA COWAN

Had to drive over the Pali to Lahaina early this morning, right through the "zone". The smell of burnt grassland was very powerful. Since it was about 2:30am, even with the almost full moon, you could only see what was illuminated by the headlights.
That was enough to grasp the magnitude of the fire's reach.

Yesterday's News Story
Bitterly slow night. By 2:00am, I had accumulated only four runs. The trip to Lahaina was the shift saver, doubling the night's meter.
Apparently there was a writers conference held at one of the hotels in Wailea while I was off sick. Two of the first four runs were from that conclave. One lady told me that she use to be humble about her life accomplishments, but wasn't anymore. Then proceeded to tell me about her four different degrees, including a Phd in some sub-strata of Psychology. I also learned of her IQ, her pending bookdeal with Random House and all the accolades bestowed on her by members of her profession. Oh, and that she was a member of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), mentioned that one, three times.
I inwardly chuckled. An unsigned author is like a Hollywood waiter telling you that he is actually an actor ("but I really want to direct"). Ya really ain't one 'til ya iz one.
She definately had succeded in losing any remote trace of humility.
I didn't ask but she probably is a Mensa member also. Paying annual dues so people will tell her how smart she is. Self-validation.
Have lots to do today, talk to y'all later.
photographs courtesy Tudor Hulubei

"Let's all be careful out there!"